Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy that uses a person’s conscious and subconscious minds to address behavioral and emotional issues. Treatment of conditions like phobias, eating disorders, traumatic memories, and nicotine addiction has proven successful. Weekly sessions lasting 60 to 90 minutes might be part of a standard hypnosis therapy regimen over several weeks. For better hypnotherapy, you can find UK therapists.

What Is Hypnosis for Smoking/Nicotine Cessation?

A successful hypnotherapy treatment strengthens a person’s desire to stop smoking. It anticipates roadblocks and doubts that can appear before the new habit from quitting smoking. One or more hypnosis sessions, a fact-finding consultation, plus some follow-up and support make up an ordinary course of hypnosis treatment for quitting smoking.

How Can Hypnotherapy Aid in Smoking/Nicotine Cessation?

When someone seeks help from a hypnotherapist for a smoking or nicotine addiction, they frequently have made several attempts to stop using other means.

1. Hypnosis has been discovered to be beneficial to certain people, even though nicotine gum, lozenges, patches, therapy, and other methods can be helpful in a person’s attempt to stop. Up to 48% of one research participant claimed to have quit smoking after a year. 

2. Additionally, hypnosis therapy addresses the irrational driving forces behind smoking. These frequently alleviate boredom, tension, loneliness, or the need to fit in. When such demands or conditions arise, the therapist suggests alternatives to smoking while the patient is in a trance.

A hypnosis example for quitting smoking/Nicotine

It’s possible to ask someone to discuss their smoking habits during the consultation session. Do you smoke often? Do you smoke, where do you smoke, and why? Have you ever attempted to stop smoking? Why do you wish to stop right now? These are just a few things a hypnotherapist could ponder to understand the patient’s objectives better and tailor their treatment strategy. The actual hypnosis session follows. Varied therapists will require a different number of sessions. Some recommend many sessions, while others claim that just one is necessary.

In either scenario, the session starts with the induction into a hypnotic state, followed by repeated affirmations that the person is no longer dependent on nicotine.

Most therapists provide some post-therapy assistance. It can take the shape of follow-up in-person sessions or hypnosis recordings that use for a certain amount of time following the original session.

Does Hypnotherapy Work to Stop Smoking/Nicotine?

Although there is some evidence that hypnosis is a successful method of stopping smoking, experts disagree on whether the research is conclusive. Nevertheless, multiple studies have demonstrated that hypnotherapy may be a successful treatment for nicotine addiction, both on its own and in conjunction with other methods.

Advantages of hypnosis for quitting smoking/nicotine

Hypnotherapy may be an excellent choice if you want to address your underlying reasons for smoking or wish to approach your addiction from a psychological angle.

The use of hypnotherapy as quit assistance has several advantages, including:

  • A thorough analysis of five trials revealed that hypnotherapy is a safe and effective treatment for many clinical disorders. Hypnotherapy is relatively safe, although it is not for persons experiencing psychotic symptoms like hallucinations.
  • Sessions of hypnotherapy are often less expensive than counselling or cognitive behavioral therapy. Hypnotherapy is less costly than alternative treatment sessions (CBT). Additionally, using applications on your phone, you may attend at-home hypnosis sessions that are less expensive than in-person ones.
  • Hypnosis to quit smoking at Eastern Oregon Hypnosis currently cost $400 for the complete program and allows for you to return if needed at no extra expense.
  • Suppose you want to focus on your behaviour yet wean yourself off the physical nicotine dependency. Hypnotherapy safely pairs with other quitting methods, such as nicotine replacement therapy (gums, patches, and inhalers).

Several drawbacks of using hypnosis to stop smoking/Nicotine:

Even though some hypnotists might argue otherwise, some people discover that they just cannot be hypnotized

  • It might be for various reasons, including a poor relationship between the patient and the therapist. In any situation, a qualified hypnotherapist will conduct a hypnosis test session to ascertain whether the course of treatment is a suitable fit.
  • Service quality varies: Hypnotherapists differ significantly from one another. Some people may have greater or lesser expertise in aiding smokers in quitting. Some people might not provide further resources, such as audio recordings that are useful for reinforcing good advice. Before choosing a hypnotherapist, make sure to do your homework.
  • Lack of information: As indicated in the section on hypnosis studies above, some academics contend that there is insufficient information to demonstrate that hypnosis aids in smoking cessation conclusively. Therefore, this may not be the best course of action for people who feel more at ease with therapies supported by solid scientific evidence.
  • Insurance: Since many insurance providers do not cover hypnosis therapy, patients may incur out-of-pocket expenses. Before committing to hypnotherapy to treat nicotine addiction, check with your insurance provider.

Wrapping Up:

Hypnotherapy is a brief therapy that uses a person’s conscious and subconscious minds to address behavioral and emotional issues. Treatment of conditions like phobias, eating disorders, traumatic memories, and nicotine addiction has proven successful. Hypnosis makes beneficial to certain people with smoking or nicotine addiction.