There’s a common understanding that there is NOTHING good that comes from smoking. Yet, after an intencse session of trying to quit, we go back to square one. Why?

Habits are unconscious processes that can be hard to build and even though we know what we should be doing to stop smoking or vaping, it is just too hard for our brain to actually make us act on it. This is where hypnosis can be so useful. Under hypnosis, your attention is highly focused, and you’re more responsive to suggestions, including behavior changes that can help you get rid of to nicotine habit.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is an intense state of focus that feels VERY good and help access those unconscious processes. With hypnosis you can make dramatic change at a very deep level so that habits and motivational changes are automatic. When you actually experience hypnosis, you’re not unconscious. It’s more like a deep state of focused  relaxation.

“It’s simply the natural, floaty feeling you get before you drift off to sleep, or that dreamy sensation you feel as you wake up in the morning, before you’re fully aware of where you are and what is surrounding you,” explains Eastern Oregon Hypnosis’s David Barron.

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How will it help you Stop Smoking?

Some practictioners will say hypnosis addresses the cause  directly at the subconscious level in the person’s mind, where their memories, habits, fears, food associations, negative self-talk, and self-esteem germinate. Even better Hypnosis builds feelings and motivations that make you NEVER WANT to smoke. No other stop smoking method addresses the core issues at the root like hypnosis does.

For changing habits, thought patterns, and behavior, hypnosis is one of the most effective methods. Getting stuck in harmful habits—like eating the entire bag of potato chips instead of stopping when you’re full—is a sign of a subconscious problem.


Does it work?

Early studies from the 90s found that people who used hypnosis to quit smoking did it with greater ease than other  cognitive therapies.

Researchers who have studied hypnosis say more, well-conducted studies are needed to determine if hypnosis really helps smokers kick the habit for good, but add that hypnosis remains a hopeful approach and has many other benefits. However, the best way to quit may be to combine several techniques. Patients often require several different strategies along the way.

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How is it practiced?

Hypnosis is a specialized skill where you are given direct instructions by your hypnotist. Your responcibility is to follow the instructions and, as a benefit, you get the results. For someone wanting to lose weight, cravings, urges and behaviours change, often without effort.

Dramatice results can happen often in one session but several sessions insure the changes are most deeply ingrained. At Eastern Oregon Hypnosis, once a program is completed, if additional sessions are needed there is no added cost. “No one pays for hypnosis. They are paying for a result” says Eastern Oregon Hypnosis founder, David Barron.

Justina Raymond
I was recommended to David at Eastern Oregon Hypnosis from a friend who worked over Skype to quit smoking. She had great results and thought he might help me with anxiety and weight loss. My food cravings and anxiety have always been linked. During the first hypnosis session he managed to skillfully address both issues.
Since my last session people are noticing a very positive change in my attitude. The craving for sweets is gone. Without trying I lost 4 lbs the first week. David is a wonderfully skilled and compassionate hypnotist. I don’t know exactly how it all works but the results have been very dramatic. Thank you, David, for helping me get my life on track.